
One of the unique aspects of the Mississippi BEST competition is that it can involve many areas of the school in the preparation for competition day…it’s not just limited to those students who design, build, and operate your robot.

Volunteers for competition days

We always need volunteers to help judge the competition pieces as well as referee the game. Please sign up via the volunteer link for shifts and event pieces that you feel are within your realm of expertise – or we can train you as well.

Volunteer sign-up

Teachers – Get the following groups & school organizations involved:

  • Your school Journalism Dept
  • Year Book coverage
  • School newspaper articles
  • Still & video photographer coverage
  • Pep Squad members to cheer at the competition
  • Band members to play at the competition
  • Art students
  • Prepare banners for competition day
  • Help design the look and style of your robot
  • Design the team’s logo & tee-shirts
  • Fund Raising – “Non-Tech-ies” can help your team raise money in the event you advance to the finals at Auburn, want to buy tee-shirts, build a practice field, etc.

Students – Help your teacher recruit other students – get your friends & family involved!!

Parents – Your support is critical! Many volunteers are helping your son or daughter accomplish their goals. Here’s how you can help:

  • Volunteer – we need volunteers to help work with the students as well as administer the Mississippi BEST program
  • Get your company involved – We provide the Mississippi BEST experience at no cost to the schools through corporate sponsorships. Ask us how your company can become a sponsor of this great event.
  • Support your teen’s involvement. Your son or daughter chose to participate in this extra-curricular activity to learn more about technology. Your support is critical to their success.
  • Come cheer on competition day! Your teen will appreciate your presence and you’ll have fun cheering them on from the stands on competition day